Matti Koivula and Jolie Kennedy presented their research at the 2018 AACE E-Learn conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Koivula presented his research titled The Impact of Asynchronous Video Reflection on Social Presence: A Case Study. This research utilized a case study approach to investigate social presence through a community-based tool for asynchronous video reflection.
LT instructors Angel Pazurek and Ann Fandrey along with doctoral students Yu-Hui Chang, Jennifer Englund, and Jayden Zhang recently attended the International Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) in Kansas City, Missouri.
digital learning in teacher education
LT’s Fan Ouyang and Cassie Scharber published the article, “Adapting the TPACK framework for online teaching within higher education,” in a recent issue of the International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design.
There are ongoing obstacles in accurately assessing and effecti
Authored by LT’s Bodong Chen, Yu-Hui Chang, and Fan Ouyang, “Fostering student engagement in online discussion through social learning analytics” was recently published in The Internet and Higher Education.
This paper reports on the initial stage of a design-based research pro
Authored by LT's Lana Peterson and Cassie Scharber, "Learning About Makerspaces: Professional Development with K-12 Inservice Educators" was recently published in a special issue of the Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE).
Makerspaces are the latest educational movem
Yu-Hui Chang presented, “Not Just Coding: Preparing Preservice Teachers to Develop and Foster Computational Thinking in Technology Integration” at the 2017 Digital Media and Learning (DML) Conference in Irvine, CA.