LT’s Fan Ouyang and Cassie Scharber published the article, “Adapting the TPACK framework for online teaching within higher education,” in a recent issue of the International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design.
There are ongoing obstacles in accurately assessing and effectively applying TPACK within online higher education contexts. In this study, we adapt the original TPACK constructs for application within online higher education, and share the results of a case study using this adapted analytical framework. This qualitative case study investigates and describes one experienced instructor's practice within a graduate-level online course. The instructor enacted a high-level of TPACK proficiency through combining content, pedagogy, and technology as well as masterfully using these knowledges within her online teaching practices. This research demonstrates one way the TPACK framework can be used as an analytical tool by researchers to investigate instructors' online teaching practices. In addition, the modified TPACK descriptions and evaluation criteria can be used to better assess TPACK and further support higher education faculty's online pedagogy development.
Ouyang, F., & Scharber, C. (2018). Adapting the TPACK framework for online teaching within higher education. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 8(1), 42-59. doi: 10.4018/IJOPCD.2018010104
digital learning in teacher education