Learning + Technologies Collaborative Partners & Projects
The L+T Collaborative is a research and professional development center located in the Curriculum and Instruction Department at the University of Minnesota. Our work spans across PK-12 in and out of school educational environments, pre- and in-service teacher development, and evolving forms of literacy within technology. We serve as Research Practice Partners (RPP) with school districts, libraries, educational cooperatives, universities, non-profit organizations, and businesses. Some of our partners and projects include:

Austin Public Schools:
The L+T Collaborative has been partnering with Austin Public Schools since 2014 around technology integration, computational thinking, and distance learning. This work has taken place in specific schools, across schools and grade bands, and with district leadership. LTC has served as a thought partner and helped to collect data related to space, software and hardware, professional development, and student-centered instruction. Together we have produced original analysis for data driven decision making and contributed to educational research and practitioner fields.

Bloomington Public Schools:
The RPP between Bloomington Public Schools and L+T Collaborative began in 2019 with the goal of building a district-wide pathway for computer science education. This partnership expanded in 2020 with the launch of the Bloomington Online School. LTC has served as a thought partner and program evaluator for the Computer Science in Bloomington Public Schools (#CSinBPS) and online school projects and supported the initiative through providing professional development to teachers, curriculum selection and design, data collection, evaluation findings to stakeholders, and coaching of leadership.

CSforAll MN:
CSforAll MN is the state chapter of the Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance. It was founded by the National Center for Computer Science Education at St. Scholastica and co-led with L+T Collaborative and Code Savvy. The purpose of this organization is to increase the number and diversity of students in the pipeline to computing and computing-intensive degrees by supporting state-level computing education reforms. Through interventions, pathways, partnerships and models that drive state-level computing education change. https://csforallmn.org