LTML's Henrickson earns Wilderness First Responder certification in prep for The Changing Earth
LTML creative director Jeni Henrickson recently traveled to Nepal to complete Wilderness First Responder certification training in…
Pazurek and Feyissa Lead Tech Integration Workshop for Faculty at St. Olaf College
LT’s Dr. Angel Pazurek and Ph.D. candidate Solen Feyissa led a professional development workshop titled, “…
LT rocks TIES 15 Conference!
LT faculty, staff, and Phd students shared many presentations at the state’s largest educational technology…
Scharber and Ross present at NCTE 2015 conference
Cassie Scharber and Nick Ross, LT Ph.D. student, participated in the National Council for Teachers of English…
Scharber, TPT, and NGCP Receive NSF award for SciGirls Code Project
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Twin Cities PBS’s (TPT) National Productions Department a $1.2…
Congrats to the new LT PhD grads: Matti Koivula & Amie Norden
Congratulations to the new Dr. Matti Koivula and Dr. Amie Norden who both defended their dissertations within the…
"What can I do with a PhD in LT?" Case study: Meet recent LT PhD grad Dr. Hatten!
Learning Technologies PhD graduate Dr. James Hatten began teaching as a full-time instructor in the…