December 2, 2015
Cassie Scharber and Nick Ross, LT Ph.D. student, participated in the National Council for Teachers of English Conference on November 21 in Minneapolis, MN.
Scharber and Ross led roundtable discussions as part of the Master Class, The Power of Transmedia: An Exploration into Literature Plus. This class was organized by the Children’s Literature Assembly and was chaired by Janet Wong and Barbara Kiefer. Melanie Hundley (Vanderbuilt University), Lauren Aimonette Liang (University of Utah), Linda Parsons (The Ohio State), Caitlyn Murphy (OSU), and Megan Van Deventer (UMN) also participated in the class alongside young adult authors and editors.
Overview of the Session: We all have students who simply do not like to read books. This is not to say that they don't read; they might spend hours reading and writing online—but they're just not 'into books.' How can we, as educators, share our passion for books? In this session we suggest that perhaps the best way to bring readers to love literature is to engage them in the study and creation of transmedia and multi-platform literature projects such as digital content, trading cards, video games, and movies that work together with and promote book-reading and literature.