LTML creative director Jeni Henrickson recently traveled to Nepal to complete Wilderness First Responder certification training in preparation for a forthcoming Arctic expedition being led by LTML director Dr. Aaron Doering. The expedition is part of a new adventure learning program that LTML is launching this April, The Changing Earth. The Changing Earth will offer a free transdisciplinary curriculum geared at middle and high school students that will be synched with a series of eight expeditions to remote areas of the Arctic and Tropics over the next four years. The curriculum and field updates from the expeditions will be featured in a new online learning environment that also will include collaboration and interaction zones for students and a free student management system for teachers.
[vc_row][vc_column width='1/2']Nepal [/vc_column] [vc_column width='1/2']Nepal [/vc_column][/vc_row]