Jolie Kennedy, Fan Ouyang and Yu-Hui Chang presented their work at the EdMedia 2015 World Conference on Educational Media and Technology organized by the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). The conference was held June 22-24 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and drew an international audience.
The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing information technology in education and e-learning research, development, learning, and its practical application. EdMedia is an annual conference that serves as a multi-disciplinary forum for the discussion and exchange of information on the research, development, and applications on all topics related to multimedia, hypermedia and telecommunications/distance education.
This year, Jolie presented Beyond beliefs: Examining online self-efficacy and learner engagement in distance education. Fan presented a full paper about technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge titled Exploring an experienced online instructor’s applications of TPACK in a graduate-level online course through the online students’ perspectives: Design of a qualitative case study. Yu-Hui presented her research in two poster sessions titled Fostering more self-reflective understanding of teaching knowledge in a knowledge building environment and Enhancing reading comprehension through computer-supported collaborative learning.
All conference proceedings can be downloaded from EdITLib.