Today, we are excited to celebrate one of our incredible Learning Technologies graduates, Dr. Valerie Barbaro. 

Having completed her journey in this transformative field, Valerie or should I say, Dr. Barbaro, Alumna of the PhD in LT, is now the Director of Academic Technology at St. Catherine University.

Reflecting on her time in the LT program, Dr. Barbaro shared a memorable part of her journey that many of us can relate to: the discovery of new capabilities and interests that emerge when we push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. 

Starting a PhD at 36 years old made her feel a little "old" at first, but it soon became clear that age was not a barrier to success. Instead, it became a reminder that learning is a lifelong process, full of opportunities to grow.

Dr. Barbaro found great value in the supportive environment she encountered along the way, particularly from her peers and educators. Special recognition goes to Dr. Angel Pazurek, a mentor and teacher who she describes as a "gem of a human being."

Congratulations once again Valerie! We look forward to seeing the incredible contributions you will continue to make in learning technologies - academic and beyond. Your story is an inspiration to all of us in the LT community.

Dr Valerie Barbaro